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Hotel Garni Savoy  Fill Anita Grondlbodenweg 1 39040 Kastelruth (BZ)South Tyrol /Italy

Tel.: 0039 0471 706707E-Mail: Web:

VAT number: IT03050080211

Image source, unless otherwise stated:

SMG Bozen – South Tyrol Marketing:Frieder Blicke, Mario Entero, Thomas Grüner, Alessandro Trovati, Laurin Moser, Alex Filz, Helmuth Rier, Stefano Scatá, Clemens Zahn, Max Lautenschläger, Joachim Chwaszcza, Stefan Eisend, Ralf Kreuels, Thomas Zwyssig, Andree Kaiser, Therme Meran, Fabian Dalpiaz

Seiser Alm Marketing:Werner Dejori, Helmuth Rier, Fabian Dalpiaz, Harald Whisthaler

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